How do I schedule to take the exam?

Once you have paid the exam fee and received your examination authorization confirmation from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, you may either go online at: or call +1-866-717-3653 to schedule your examination.

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How do I determine if I am eligible to apply to sit for the CSP exam(s)?

There is a simple online self-test that may help you determine if you are eligible to apply to sit for the exam(s) leading to the CSP certification.

Filling out the Am I Eligible For The Certified Safety Professional Certification? Test helps assess qualifications.

How does the Board of Certified Safety Professionals determine eligibility to sit for examinations for the ASP and/or CSP?

BCSP uses a point system to determine eligibility for examinations. A candidate must have 48 points to sit for the Safety Fundamentals examination and 96 points to sit for the Comprehensive Practice examination.

A candidate may use only one undergraduate degree and one graduate degree for the academic requirement. The one yielding the highest value is used when there is more than one degree. Each month of acceptable professional safety experience earns one point. The total points are the sum of academic points and experience points.

Work experience, continuing education courses, seminars, and certificate programs are not a substitute for, nor receive credit toward the academic requirement.