Safety Certification Exam Prep


Associate Safety Professional Exam Prep Workshop

The Associate Safety Professional (ASP) Exam Prep Workshop provides participants with a comprehensive review to pass the certification examination. This course is designed to prepare individuals for the Board of Certified Safety Professionals’ ASP Examination leading to certification as an Associate Safety Professional. The three-day workshop covers all domain areas of the exam: mathematics, safety management systems, ergonomics, fire prevention and protection, occupational health, environmental management and training, education and communication.

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Certified Safety Professional Exam Prep Workshop

The Certified Safety Professional (CSP) Exam Prep Workshop provides participants with a comprehensive review to help pass the certification examination. This course is designed to prepare individuals for the Board of Certified Safety Professionals’ CSP Examination leading to certification as a Certified Safety Professional. The three-day workshop covers the nine domain areas of the exam: advanced science and math, management systems, risk management, advanced safety concepts, emergency preparedness, fire prevention and security, occupational health and ergonomics, environmental management systems, training/education and law and ethics.

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HSTC provides individuals specific knowledge and answers to common questions.